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Night Train


Night Train

Waverley fo shoillse,
gach bolg dealain làn de ghath,
a bhàthas mi le solas,
agus 's mi tha gann de lùths.

Nam aonar air àrd-ùrlar
tha ceum thuig mar dhùbhlan cruaidh
ach chan eil agam ach ri suidhe,
agus gèilleadh do mo shiubhail.


A-steach dhan an duibhre,
thoir mi mach, fon an sgàil,
cuiridh mi earbsa sa chuibhle,
bheir mi an t-astar
tha ga ruigh' eadarainn,
tha mi siubhail sìos an rèile,
ò, dall ort, thrèana-oidhche.
dall ort, thrèana-oidhche, dall ort...

Fasgadh Sràid na Banrighinn,
nì soidhne Gàidhlig fèath is fàilt’,
a lìonas mu le dòchas,
cha bhi e fada gus bi thu dlùth.

Gam bhrùthadh tron a' gheata,
tha gach ceum nis nas aotram fiù,
chan eil a dhìth a-nis ach uber,
agus ath-cheum de mo shiubhail.


A-steach dhan an oidhche,
thoir mi ann, a dhràibheir chòir,
cuiridh mi earbsa sa chuibhle,
bheir mi an t-astar
tha ga ruigh’ eadarainn,
Cnoc a' Ghobhainn fo sgàil an duibh,
ò, thoir mi bhon trèana-oidhche,
thoir bi bhuaith’, bhon trèana-oidhche, 
thoir mi ann...

Waverley illuminated,
every bulb filled with a ray
which bathes me in light,
when I am losing the will.

Alone on a platform
every step was a challenge
but all that's left to do is sit
and surrender to my journey.

Into the darkness,
take me out, under the veil of night,
I place my trust in the wheel
that will take me the distance
laid out like a deadman between us,
I am journeying down the rail,
oh, speed on, night train.
Speed on, night train.

The sanctuary of Queen Street,
the Gaelic sign welcomes me warmly,
and fills me with hope,
it won't be long until you're near.

Forcing myself through the gate,
every step growing lighter,
all I need now is to call an uber,
for the next leg of my journey.

Out into the night,
take me there, driver,
I place my trust in your wheel,
that will take me the distance,
laid out like a dead man between us,
Govanhill under the veil of darkness,
o, take me from the night train,
me from the night train.

air ais

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