I Would
Shiubhlainn an cuan a bhith còmhla riut,
is freumhan chur sìos nad thalamh ùir.
Shiubhlainn an cuan a bhith dìon nad ghlac,
aig mullach d' thaigh-sholais, a' deàrrsadh o chreag.
Shiubhlainn an cuan a bhith còmhla riut.
Shiubhlainn tro sgòth a bhith ri do thaobh,
gus tuirling gu talamh tìr ìosail chaoimh.
Shiubhlainn tro sgòth nam b' e sin do rùn,
nan slaodadh tu thugad mi, gun ghlòr is gun ghuth.
Shiubhlainn tro sgòth a bhith ri do thaobh,
Shiubhlainn thar tìr, son dìlse is dàimh,
gun iomradh air sgaradh mo làmh bho do làimh.
Shiubhlainn thar tìr nam b' e sin do mhiann,
dhèanainn gach dìcheall do chridhe a dhìon.
Shiubhlainn thar tìr airson dìlse is dàimh.
I would travel the sea to be with you,
and put down roots in your new land.
I would travel the sea to be safe in your embrace,
at the top of your lighthouse, shining out of the cliffs.
I would travel the sea to be with you.
I would travel through clouds to be beside you,
to tumble down to the earth of your dear low land.
I would travel through cloud if that was your wish,
if you'd pull be in, without word.
I would travel through clouds to be beside you.
I would travel across land, for fidelity and commitment,
with no work of separating my hand from yours.
I would travel across land if that was your desire,
I would make every effort to protect your heart.
I would travel across land, for fidelity and commitment.