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Balt na Fàire

Written by Marcas Mac an Tuairneir

Produced by Adam Holmes


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’S iomadh là a chaidh mo bhàthadh

ann an iùnnrais mo chràidh,

agus b’ orm dhòirt an stoirm

’s faclan tàirneanaich.


’S tu a ghoid duircean m’ eòlais,

’s iad bha blasta na do bheul –

ciamar a chagnas tu le cogais iad?


Thoir mo bhrìgh às do bheul,

thoir m’ ainm far do theanga,

oir thig caochladh air an aimsir,

aon là, mar bhalt na fàire.


’S iomadh duine fhuair buannachd

fo luaineas do shìd’,

ach, fòghnaidh na dh’fhòghnas

dh’fhaclan dealanaich.


’S tu a dh’fhionnaraich mo thothlaing,

tharraing sgàil thar mo shaoghail –

ciamar a sheasas tu do chogais ris?


Thoir mo bhrìgh às do bheul,

thoir m’ ainm far do theanga,

oir thig caochladh air an aimsir,

aon là, mar bhalt na fàire.


Gum bualadh beithir ’s plathadh

uisge ciùineas do lochain,

losgadh anns an iarmailt,

a bheir soillse do bhradan.


’S tu, dubhachas mo dhuibhre,

chuir thu fuachd na mo shaoghal

’s mi ann an dìle nan seachd sian.


Thoir mo bhrìgh às do bheul,

thoir m’ ainm far do theanga.

Thig caochladh air an aimsir,

aon là, mar bhalt na fàire.


Ach ’s mi a chì mo ghrian,

’s tillidh dòchas do mo shaoghal.

Gèillidh mi mo dhoilgheas don a’ ghaoith.

Many days I was drowned
in the tempest of your pain,
and the storm poured on me
with words of thunder.

You stole my acorns of knowledge,
to find them tasty in your mouth –

how can you chew them in all conscience?

Take me out of your mouth,
take my name off your tongue,
because a change in the weather's sure to come,
like lightning in the west.


Many have had the benefit
of your changeable weathers,
but, enough is enough
of words of lightning.


You cooled my sultriness,
cast a shadow over my world –

how do you stand your conscience to it?

Take me out of your mouth,

take my name off your tongue,

because a change in the weather's sure to come,

like lightning in the west.

May fire and brimstone
beat the waters of your loch,

burning in the firmament

which will bring your salmon into light.

You are the depths of my darkness,
you put a chill in my world
when I was under elements.

Take me out of your mouth,

take my name off your tongue,

because a change in the weather's sure to come,

like lightning in the west.

But it's me who'll see my sun,
and hope will return to my world.

I surrender my sadness to the wind.

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