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Measgachadh Bright Light Bright Light

Written by Marcas Mac an Tuairneir 

Produced by Rod Thomas / Bright Light Bright Light


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Bruidhinn (Measgachadh Bright Light Bright Light)

Coma leam

an cac a sgrìobhar anns na pàipearan,

chan eil ciall air na briathran

gun bhàrdachd gun cheòl.


Coma leam

a bheil an naidheachdair ri cùl-chainnt,

cho fad 's a phàigheas mi mo chìsean,

cumar mo chridhe ri mo chor.


Ma tha e math dhut,

thalla, thalla, gabh do leòr!

Tha am t-am ann,

thalla agus seas do chòir!


Math math dhut,

thalla, thalla, gabh do leòr!

Tha am t-am ann,

thalla agus seas do chòir!


Fuasgail do bheul is do theanga

is do chridhe is bruidhinn!

Ò, bruidhinn i!


Fuasgail do bheul is do theanga

is do chridhe is bruidhinn!

Ò, bruidhinn i!


Coma coma leam,

chì mi gainnead anns na solaran,

air Twitter, bidh mi togail gearain

gus am faigh mi mo leòr.


Coma, coma leam

an cuirear peilear anns na soidhnichean,

an dèanar càineadh ar sgoiltean,

bidh mi ga bruidhinn nas mò.


Fuasgail do bheul is do theanga

is do chridhe is bruidhinn!

Ò, bruidhinn i!


Fuasgail do bheul is do theanga

is do chridhe is bruidhinn!

Ò, bruidhinn i!


Coma leat gràin,

coma leò sinn,

coma leinn a' Bheurla

mar as Gàidhlig th' eadarainn.


Coma leat gràin,

coma leò sinn,

coma leinn a' Bheurla

mar as Gàidhlig th' eadarainn.


Fuasgail do bheul is do theanga

is do chridhe is bruidhinn!

Ò, bruidhinn i!


Fuasgail do bheul is do theanga

is do chridhe is bruidhinn!

Ò, bruidhinn i, bruidhinn!


Coma leat gràin,

coma leò sinn,

coma leinn a' Bheurla

mar as Gàidhlig th' eadarainn.


Coma leat gràin,

coma leò sinn,

coma leinn a' Bheurla

mar as Gàidhlig th' eadarainn.


Fuasgail do bheul is do theanga

is do chridhe is bruidhinn!

Ò, bruidhinn i!


Fuasgail do bheul is do theanga

is do chridhe is bruidhinn!

Ò, bruidhinn i, bruidhinn!

I couldn't give a monkey's

about the crap they write in the papers,
their words are meaningless

without poetry or music.


I couldn't give a monkey's

if the journalist is bitching,
as long as I pay my taxes,

I'll stand by what I believe in.


If it's good for you, on you go,
take your fill.
The time is now,
so go and stand your rights.


Really good for you, on you go,
take your fill.
The time is now,
so go and stand your rights.


Unbind your mouth and your tongue
and your heart and speak!
Oh, speak it!

Unbind your mouth and your tongue
and your heart and speak!
Oh, speak it!


I couldn't give a monkey's,

I still see paucity in the provisions,
on Twitter, I'll keep making noise

until I see returns.


I couldn't give a monkey's

if they shoot a bulled in the signage,
if they slag off our schools,
I'll speak it, regardless.


Unbind your mouth and your tongue
and your heart and speak!
Oh, speak it!

Unbind your mouth and your tongue
and your heart and speak!
Oh, speak it!

Don't bother about the hate
they don't bother about us,
so don't bother with English
if it's Gaelic that binds us.


Don't bother about the hate

they don't bother about us,

so don't bother with English

if it's Gaelic that binds us.

Unbind your mouth and your tongue
and your heart and speak!
Oh, speak it!

Unbind your mouth and your tongue
and your heart and speak!
Oh, speak it!

Don't bother about the hate

they don't bother about us,

so don't bother with English

if it's Gaelic that binds us.

Don't bother about the hate

they don't bother about us,

so don't bother with English

if it's Gaelic that binds us.

Unbind your mouth and your tongue
and your heart and speak!
Oh, speak it!

Unbind your mouth and your tongue
and your heart and speak!
Oh, speak it, speak!


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