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The Stars



Is tèarmann ar dùthaich ’s e aig crìoch na cruinne,
is teàrmann ar dùthaich ’s sinn fo iùilean na bàrr-rèile.

Sìos na seachd sligheachan, ruigidh iad ar tìr,
sìos na seachd sligheachan, ’s iad nan eilthirich.

Is tèarmann ar dùthaich ’s e aig crìoch na cruinne,
an crisne na cathrach mar dh’aithnichear Dùn Èideann.

Sìos na seachd sligheachan ruigidh iad ar tìr,
sìos na seachd sligheachan, ’s iad nan eilthirich.

Ban-tighearna sluagh-fhlaitheis beò an-seo an Alba,
far an tig clann-daonna, loma-làn de dh’aighear.

Hai un paraiso nos confíns da terra,
hai un paraiso ao que guian as estrelas.

Por sete camiños chegan ata aquí,
por sete camiños, son os pelegríns.

Hai un paraiso nos confíns da terra,
e a cidade santa chamase Compostela.

Por sete camiños chegan ata aquí,
por sete camiños, son os pelegríns.

Meu Señor Santiago que estás en Galicia,
dende todo o mundo veñen con ledicia.

Our country is a sanctuary on the edge of the world,
our country is a sanctuary and we are guided by the lodestar.


Down the seven paths, they reach our land,
down the seven paths, they are the eimgrants.


Our country is a sanctuary at the edge of the world,
in the sacred city known as Edinburgh.


Down the seven paths, they reach our land,
down the seven paths, they are the eimgrants.


Our Lady of Democracy resides here in Scotland,
where humanity comes together in joy.

air ais

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