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Marcas Mac an Tuairneir

co-obrachail │ collaborative

Tha Marcas air gunn bhliadhnaichean a chur seachad a' cumail cor na Gàidhlig air adhart agus a' cruthachadh chothroman do dhaoine eile. Tha e na Chathraiche do Chaidreachas nan Sgrìobhaichean (Alba), agus na bhall do bhòrd ùghdarrasach Chomann Crann na h-Alba, cho math ri bhith na bhall do bhòrd Ionad Sgrìobhadairean na h-Alba.

Am measg na h-obrach saor-thoileach seo, bha Marcas air a bhith air bòrd-stiùiridh Leabharlann Bàrdachd na h-Alba fad ceithir bliadhna, a' toirt guth do dh'fheumannan bàird is luchd-leughaidh na Gàidhlig. 

Tha tagradh is in-ghabhaltas aig cridhe obair Mharcais agus, a bharrachd air na dreuchdan seo, tha e air pannal comhairleachaidh EDI airson Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba.

Bidh Marcas a' lìbhrigeadh bhùithtean-obrach air feadh na rìoghachd agus air-loidhne gus cothrom leasachadh sgrìobhaidh a thoirt do dhaoine a thogadh peann ri cruthachaileachd.

Marcas has spent a long time promoting the Gaelic language and building opportunities for others. He is currently the chair of the Federation of Writers (Scotland) and a member of the Saltire Society's Executive Board as well as board member of the Scottish Writers' Centre.

Amongst this volunatary work, Marcas was a board member at the Scottish poetry Library for four years, giving voice to the needs of Gaelic poets and readerships.

Advocacy and inclusion are at the heart of Marcas' work and, in addition to these roles, he is a member of the EDI advisory panel for The Scottish Book Trust.

Marcas delivers workshops throughout Scotland and online to empower emergent writers to pick up the pen and shape their own creativity.


Obair le Marcas│ Work with Marcas

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