Ò, togaibh ur guthan, ò...
A Ghàidheala nan Eilean, nan gleanntannan uain',
seinnibh ar n-òrain gus ar dùsgadh o shuain.
Dualchas is eachdraidh cho brèagha nur beòil,
gan seinn gu sìor is a' Ghàidhlig fhathast beò.
A Ghàidheala a' bhaile, biodh maireann ur cliù,
gum meal sibh an cànan 's gun dìon sibh a diù.
Cathair chuir fàilte air rìghrean is bàird,
is furan gu bràth orra ìseal is àrd.
Togaibh ur guthan, togaibh deagh ghean
is a' Ghàidhlig ag èirigh eadar spiricean Dhùn Èideann.
A Ghàidheala a bhuineas do thìrean tha cian,
dèanaibh ur stèidh an Dùn Èideann grinn,
biodh buan ceòl còisir is seirm clag sgoil'
nì àrach ar cloinne 's nì treun an cuid sgil.
Diùltaibh a' Bheurla son cànan na Fèinn,
an sgrìobhadh 's air loidhne dèanaibh nua-dhàn innt’.
Cumaibh gu dlùth i ri cùis is ri chridhe,
na seachnaidh a cleachdadh measg iolrachd an t-sluaigh.
Togaibh ur guthan, togaibh deagh ghean
is a' Ghàidhlig ag èirigh eadar spiricean Dhùn Èideann.
Cànan tha sìtheil fo chlàran cloich-gràin,
ag aiseirigh, cinnteach an ùrnaigh mu sgaoil
o Eaglais nam Manach gu Ceàrnag Rìgh Dheòrs’,
o Bharraid Mhòr Thèibhiot gu lannan ar forais.
Togaibh ur guthan, togaibh deagh ghean
is a' Ghàidhlig ag èirigh eadar spiricean Dhùn Èideann.
Oh, raise up your voices, oh...
Gaels of the islands, of the green glens,
sing our songs to awake us from sleep.
Heritage and history so beautiful in your mouths,
ever sung out, as long as Gaelic lives.
Gaels of the city, may your renown live on,
may you enjoy the language and protect our worth.
The city that welcomed kings and poets,
and ever hosted people high and low.
Raise up your voices, be optimistic,
as the Gaelic language rises between the steeples of Edinburgh.
Gaels that belong to far-off lands,
come and live in beautiful Edinburgh,
may the music of choirs and the school bell's chime
continue to raise our children and strengthen their skill.
Reject English for the language of opportunity,
in writing and online create a new poem of destiny.
Keep it's cause close to your heart,
don't fail to use it in a cosmopolitan world.
Raise up your voices, be optimistic,as the Gaelic language rises between the steeples of Edinburgh.
A language at peace under granite slabs,
resurrecting, certain in am unfurled prayer
from Greyfriars' to George Square,
from Great Teviot Hall to our places of knowledge.
Raise up your voices, be optimistic,as the Gaelic language rises between the steeples of Edinburgh.