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Silhouette of Man

Duine ùr


Chan aithne dhuibh mo ghnùis,
chan fhacadh feartan aige riamh,
anns a’ bhaile seo, ’s mi ’n neach
a ghabhas roimhe fiamh, 
mar a dh’èireas lom a thogalaich,
’s ceart-cheàrnach iad, gach fear,
chan fhaic mi crainn no fiodh,
no taighean-crannghail, 
’s iad le eachdraidh dèanta fiar. 

Ò, ’s mi ’n duine dùr,
an duine truagh,
ach chan eil gonadh na mo shùil,
’s mi gun cheann-iùil,
bha sibh an suain,
nuair rinn mi ùr-theachd air ur tìr.


Ò, ’s mi ’n duine ùr,
an duine ùr,
an duine.

Chan aithne dhuibh mo ghuth 
fom aghaidh-choimheach chànanch,
anns a’ bhaile seo, ’s mi an neach, 
a bheireas orm riochd,
nuair a thogas mi ur bealaichean,
’s mar chliath iad thar fhuinn,
tha dìrichead nan slighe,
cam-lùbach fo mo bhuinn,
is ’s i mo chainnt a nì iad fiar.

Ò, ‘s mi ’n duine ùr, 
an duine nuadh, 
is mi ùr-nòsach nam mo dhòigh,
is gann ur dùil,
is gann ur smuain,
air na cheannsaich mi den t-saoghal.

Ò, ’s mi ’n duine dùr,
an duine truagh,
ach chan eil gonadh na mo shùil,
’s mi gun cheann-iùil
bha sibh an suain,
nuair rinn mi ùr-theachd air ur tìr.

Ò, ’s mi ’n duine ùr...

You do not know my face,
you've never seen it's features before,
in this city I'm the the one
who walks beside you, awed
at how bleakly the buildings rise,
and every one of them right-angles,
I see no beams or timbers,
or wattle and daub houses,
warped by history.

Oh, I'm a stubborn man,
a pitiful man,
but there's now evil in my eye,
and I'm without a guide,
you all slept through
my arrival in your land.

Oh, I'm a stubborn man,
a new man,
a man.

You do not know my voice
from under the my mask of language,
in this city, I'm the one
that wears a disguise,
when I walk your roads,
like a lattice across the soil,
the straightness of the path
is warped under my soles,
and it's my speech that sent them wry.

Oh, I'm a new man,
a modern man,
and I'm newfangled in my ways,
you don't  expect,
you don't even think 
about what I have conquered of this world.

Oh, I'm a stubborn man,
a pitiful man,
but there's no evil in my eye,

and I'm without a guide,

you all slept through

my arrival in your land.

Oh, I'm a new man...

air ais

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